Chua Bassis Kotak Band

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15 Responses to Chua Bassis Kotak Band

  1. kitem's kerabat-kotak says:

    chua kueren buangggggetttttttttt……

  2. lisa says:

    kereeeen buanget,,,,

  3. wiwink says:

    chua , aq speechless klo ngeliat kamu…ngefans bgt aq…coba aja dikasi kesempatan ketemu sekali aja…

  4. chuaaaaaaaaa………….u’re the best bassist…………….aq ngefans bgt ma kamu…………………salam 1 jiwa from kerabat KOTAK malang.

  5. the paris says:

    I nggemar Chua weight but you’d never believe you

  6. the paris says:

    My heart is tired nay

  7. the paris says:

    Did you forget that I was even alive?

    Did you forget everything we ever had?

    Did you forget, did you forget about me?

    Did you regret ever standing by my

  8. dhe kerabat says:

    my heart kotak
    pasti sellu di hatiku forever

  9. coky says:

    cUa….T.O.P.B.G.T Dc……..
    w suka gya lho….

  10. pangeran codock muw says:

    bangat bangat bangat… cantik

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